We need your help! Team Mountain Time is making a summit attempt on Denali in May 2024. We are using this opportunity to raise funds for our favorite local non-profit, Big City Mountaineers. Click on the banner to donate and find more information about the "Adventure for Someone" program. Any online order accompanied by a donation will receive a free gift from us!

Smokeless Smudge Spray

Smokeless Smudge Spray

Regular price $12.00 Sale

Clear your energy and space with a spritz or three. Whatever you’re feelin’ for the present. Ease tension, elevate your mood, and relieve stress. 


PALO SANTO… a mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America and is related to frankincense, myrrh, and copal. In Spanish, the name literally means “holy wood”.

CEDAR… is used to heighten positive energy, purify and bring balance. 

SAGE… a sacred herb used to cleanse energy and purify the air. 

HIMALAYAN PINK SALT… releases negative ions to help purify and improve the air quality around you. 

80 ml. Aluminum Spray Bottle  

ingredients: witch hazel, distilled water, Himalayan pink salt, palo santo essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, sage essential oil