Let’s Connect

Have a question you didn’t find an answered in our FAQ? Or maybe you have
collaboration idea we’d love to hear about? Please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Let’s Connect

We are always on Mountain Time, but our business hours are M-F 8am-5pm MST.

Wash Your Spirit Clean

At Mountain Time, we know that life happens outside. Everything else is only possible because of trees, winds, and tides.

Our love of the outdoors made us want for better. What started as a quest to remove harmful chemicals from our founder's life turned into a trail blazing personal care brand creating joy in the everyday. Our love of the outdoors and our community made us want for better, so we made it, one bar at a time.

read the full story

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Interested In A Retail Partnership?

Help us spread the soap! We welcome the opportunity to partner with your business to bring Mountain Time Soap and our other natural products to your location and to your customers.

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